by GM Insurance Center | Safety, Tips
If you rent an apartment or a house, you may wonder if renters insurance is worth the cost. After all, you may think your landlord’s insurance will cover any damages or losses to your belongings. However, this is only sometimes the case. Renters insurance is...
by GM Insurance Center | Safety, Tips
Because seasonal changes affect your vehicle in a multitude of ways, it’s important to prepare for the transition from summer to fall. You’ll want to keep up on regular vehicle maintenance, while also paying close attention to season-specific car care tasks. Essential...
by GM Insurance Center | Safety, Tips
You’ve heard the term Umbrella policy before, but figured you already had insurance for your belongings. So why do you need this coverage? Consider this – you’re in an auto accident and the other driver sues you. The other driver wins the lawsuit against you and...
by GM Insurance Center | Safety, Tips
Boat insurance claims statistics can provide valuable insights into the types of incidents that commonly occur on the water and the importance of having comprehensive coverage. Here are some key boat insurance claims statistics: Collisions with Other Boats or Objects:...